Red Friday Flow

Aired -

Tammy Horn

As a yoga teacher, Tammy seeks to help her students unite and nurture body, mind and spirit and find the peace and grace in their lives that she discovered in her own. She strives to motivate and inspire her stud...
Bring your KC Chiefs spirit to this Red Friday Flow with Tammy.  This class will focus on opening the hips starting with Figure 4, seated & standing & Half Pigeon to prepare for Firelog pose. 
Tight hips?  No worries - Tammy provides lots of options and modifications so you can make this class your own including revisiting Figure 4, Gomukhasana or a Seated Twist alternative.
Get ready - this class also includes some core work so you can ignite that inner fire to prepare for a great weekend!

Add music by following tammyhorn0202 on Spotify.  Suggested Playlist: Friday Flow