Paradise Practice (Advanced Vinyasa)

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Emily Darling

The opening of Darling Yoga with her sister Sarah in 2007 was a dream come true for Emily who has been teaching yoga since 1993. She began her studies in the rich tradition of Iynenar Yoga and Restorative Yoga. S...
Bask in the paradise of a complete vinyasa practice with this Ashtanga-inspired practice.  This class begins with Sun Salutations A & B followed by standing postures including variations of Extended Side Angle Pose (Parsvakonasa) to open the outer hips, and Half Moon (Ardha Chandrasana).  Build intestensity with Bound Half Moon (Baddha Ardha Chandrasana) to lengthen and strengthen the legs while strengthening mental focus, balance, stability and bone density leading towards peak pose Bird of Paradise (Svarga Dvidasanas) practice.
This eight-limbed practice also allows time for practicing arm balance crow and inversions including yogic headstand and/or handstand.  Then enjoy seated postures Marichyasana, Krounchasana, and Bharadvajasana twist + Kapotasana (pigeon) to again open the outer hips + king pigeon variation for quad opening. 
Suggested Playlist: Courage and Compassion