Erika Griffin

Your body is your best teacher, learn to listen to it.  Your mind is your biggest distraction, learn to quiet it. Erika invites you to unite your mind, body, and spirit in the present moment through meditation an...

Relax and Restore


at Darling Yoga (11711 College Blvd Overland Park, KS 66210)

Indulge in the ultimate yoga experience! Our Relax and Restore classes feature soft music and gentle supportive postures to soothe your soul as you relax and breathe deeply. The serene setting allows you to slip into a deep state of peace and relaxation. Open to all levels. Benefits of this practice are vast and include relief from back pain, insomnia, headaches, digestive problems, acne, physical and mental exhaustion and more.  By activating the parasympathetic nervous system, your body's immune system is improved and toxins are released from the body.  With regular practice some people experience a lessening dependence on medications to manage pain and chronic conditions.

Note: If joining from this class from home, we recommend having the following props available:  yoga mat, yoga bolster (or couch cushion/firm pillow), yoga strap (or towel), 1-2 yoga blocks (or large hard back books), eye pillow (optional).